AMD Dental Clinic is adequately equipped with Coltene Paracore. It really is a high-strength composite that can set itself (chemical) or by light polymerization. It comes in handy for core build-up (when the remaining tooth structure is very less that it will hamper crown retention). We can typically build the lost tooth structure with this heavy-duty material. It is available in 3 shades (dentin, white and translucent). Its super amazing bond strength provides a monoblock bond between dentin post crowns. Paracore helps in post cementation (especially esthetic prefabricated fibre posts). It can be employed for the cementation of inlays, crowns, etc. Post Root canal treatment, the remaining tooth structure can be positively reinforced with Paracore instead of a normal composite. It comes with an etchant that does not require water rinsing after its application without hampering bonding. This helps our doctors in cases such as post cementation where the anatomy of post space may limit the complete removal of water after the etchant is rinsed off, so retaining water and leading to post cementation failure. Paracore progressively eliminates water rinsing off step and in this way provides the best post cementation results. So visit AMD Dental Clinic to receive a state-to-art dental treatment.